About Me

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I was a preschool teacher for almost 20 years. I had lots of wonderful experiences. I have now been a 911 dispatcher for 6 yrs now.I love animals,small towns, good food ,karaoke, baseball and walking around our local zoo. Makes me feel at home,lol. I live and breathe scrapbooking and my two adult sons. They really are what is most important in my life.

Monday, March 25, 2013

I recently went to Missouri City Tx for a work training. Missouri City is a suburb of Houston. I was so excited to go. During the week, I had some time to visit the Houston Zoo. It was so different than the Phoenix Zoo. One of the animals, this creature in the above picture, really caught my eye. Very unusual lol... Another thing that was really different was their elephant exhibit. They had both adults and babies in the exhibit and just seemed to have a lot of freedom in their exhibit. It was neat to watch. I was really glad to be home. My dad and kids took turns dog/house sitting. Lisa

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