About Me

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I was a preschool teacher for almost 20 years. I had lots of wonderful experiences. I have now been a 911 dispatcher for 6 yrs now.I love animals,small towns, good food ,karaoke, baseball and walking around our local zoo. Makes me feel at home,lol. I live and breathe scrapbooking and my two adult sons. They really are what is most important in my life.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Long time no talk

Kids have headed back to school... my house is now quiet and all mine again...except for the goofy dogs,lol.

Struggling at work w/ a specific coworker. Can't get it out of my head... it drives me crazy...I don't like it... I wish it wasn't like this. I feel powerless. If I keep letting her be abusive to me...I loose. If I confront her/handle it... I still loose, just in a different way. Its nuts. I know, in my last post I said I believe all things work out the way they supposed to... its just hard...really really hard.
I am just going to get up in the morning and try my best... its all I can do.

It has been raining like crazy here...windier than heck... intense weather...tornado watches in AZ lol...

When I get home, there is some chocolate ice cream waiting for me... I can hardly wait!

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