I love karaoke. I honestly really don't know why I like it. I am not a "center of attention" type person.When I do go to karaoke, I stand kinda off to the side. I don't dance, or create any type of attention to myselr- I just want to sing. I think I do ok, no one has ever asked me to stop. I do joke around that the more you drink, the better I will sound,lol.
I am one of the few people in az happy that there is no smoking in bars anymore. I used to be coughing and hacking by the end of the night- not particularly condusive to singing,huh?
I like the smallerish town I live in, I usually see someone I know when I go into my favorite karaoke spot.
The above photo is of the resturant/bar near my parents' cabin. They have karaoke on occasion, and I actually try to plan my trips around when they are going to have it. My dad loves to go too. My mom doesn't love it quite so much,lol and stays home.
I most often sing country songs, usually Wynonna, or Tricia or Martina. Sometimes I get all crazy and sing Cher or Joan Jett.
My sons have been, when they were younger. Both of them can sing, they really liked it back then.... now, they are too "cool".
Anyway- to quote Forrest- "thats all I have to say about that"
Have a peaceful week,
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