About Me

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I was a preschool teacher for almost 20 years. I had lots of wonderful experiences. I have now been a 911 dispatcher for 6 yrs now.I love animals,small towns, good food ,karaoke, baseball and walking around our local zoo. Makes me feel at home,lol. I live and breathe scrapbooking and my two adult sons. They really are what is most important in my life.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I do not like how I am being treated at my job. However, I love my job and want to stay... what a conflict... for now, I am going to try to ride this one out... things change fairly quickly there.

In my personal life... no change. Not a man w/i miles,lol.

Again, there is more conflict. I am perfectly fine single, and I remember what it is like to be w/ the wrong person... no way, no how do I want to do that again. I can eat in bed... control the remote, do what I want/when I want... and I try to remember that when I am feeling down.

But I want someone in my life. I do not "have" to have someone. Everywhere I look, there are couples. When I get off of work, there is no one to tell about my day. When I want to go to the store, I go alone. When I am having a problem, it is all mine,lol. I do everything...alone. It is getting a little lonely.

I have a couple of really good girlfriends for the first time in my life. I am still very happy/feel blessed about that. But... its not the same.

I keep hearing married women say how lucky I am to be single. I also keep hearing that he is out there somewhere... where, dammit? lol. My eyes and heart are open.

I am also totally disgusted at the number of 20 yr old men, and married men that want to "hook up" ugh!

Anyway... since I always like to end on a positive note. I am thankful to have a job to be mad at. I am so very thankful for my health insurance. I am thankful not to have mental illness ( at least I think I don't,lol). I am thankful for a working vehicle, a full refrigerator, a new purse and new ipod speaker thing, and awesome sons. I am thankful I am healthy enough to be able to walk into work today, and that I can still type and do all of the things I need to do today.

Hope everyone is having a day where they too, can count their blessings.


1 comment:

scrapper al said...

Hey, what's a blog for if you can't whine once in a while? I hope things get better at your workplace. I love how you always end on a positive note.